About NESSie IN Ed CIC
We support the positive mental health of children and young people, 0 – 25 years.
We do this three ways:
We offer 1-1 and group arts therapies for children and young people
We offer training and supervision to professionals
We offer workshops and support to parents and carers.
NESSie provides easy access to arts therapies, counselling, support and training so that children, young people and their families can thrive. We provide support through partnering with local schools, county council and community organisations within Hertfordshire and the surrounding counties. Parents also reach out to us directly.
Together our therapists have over 200 years of experience. We welcome diversity and have specialist trauma, ASC and LGBTQ+ therapists within our team. We have excellent feedback from organisations and parents and a long history of working relationships with local statutory and community partners.
We are proud to offer qualified, regulated, child centered, flexible support.