Mind in Mid Herts

About Mind in Mid Herts

We are a local, innovative and experienced mental health provider for people aged 16 years and over. We support positive mental health working across three themes; prevention, social support and recovery. We understand everyone’s needs are different and work in a person-centred way to ensure the people of Hertfordshire’s mental health is supported and respected so that nobody has to face a mental health problem alone.

Recently added opportunities

Administrative Volunteer (Trustee and CEO)
Long term role · 8–15 hrs/month
Administrative Volunteer (Trustee and CEO)
We are looking for an administrative volunteer to support our busy Trustee team and CEO with various admin tasks to ensure the smooth running of the charity.Posted by Mind in Mid Herts
Mental Health Buddy
Long term role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Mental Health Buddy
We are looking for Buddies to meet weekly (on a one to one basis) with people who use our service who are experiencing mental health difficultiesPosted by Mind in Mid Herts
