CPRE Hertfordshire

About CPRE Hertfordshire

We are Hertfordshire's countryside charity, we work across the county to stand up for our countryside and green spaces. We rely on committed volunteers, like you, to help us achieve our aim to protect, promote and enhance the countryside for everyone to value and enjoy.

Green Belt is the countryside next door for a lot of people and its role has never been more important, while the threat of development has never been greater. It provides for nature, reduces the impact of climate change and gives people access to green spaces. In much of our campaign work we fight to uphold the protection of the Green Belt.

Recently added opportunities

Long term role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
We are a long-standing environmental charity and wish to appoint additional Trustees who have a passion for the countryside.Posted by CPRE Hertfordshire
Senior Planning Volunteer
Long term role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Flexible location
Senior Planning Volunteer
Are you a Planning professional who's retired or working part-time? Come join our friendly volunteer team and make a positive difference for the countryside.Posted by CPRE Hertfordshire
