"Volunteering is not only about giving your time but about what you want to gain from the experience, which for me was giving something back and gaining new skills that can be used in other areas of my life"

Meet Opal Reid, Volunteer at North Herts & Stevenage CVS - GoVolHerts and Community Transport
I am an Admin Support Volunteer for two NHCVS Projects - GoVolHerts and Community Transport. When I retired my plan was to do some volunteer work, with a different focus to my old role or to use those skills to help a not for profit organisation. Then the pandemic happened which gave me time to research and find something that was interesting as well as giving me some new skills.
Making a difference is something we can all do by being open to supporting the needs of the organisation you work with.
Volunteering is not only about giving your time but about what you want to gain from the experience, which for me was giving something back and gaining new skills that can be used in other areas of my life.
I am very lucky working with Katie and Jon and being part of such an inclusive organisation as NHCVS"