Entertain the Young at Heart in Baldock

Baldock Young at Heart Club is a small friendly social club for older community members from in and around Baldock. They're looking for musicians, entertainers, or singers to perform for their members for a small fee or donation. The club runs once a month, every second Wednesday, from 2pm - 4pm in the Baldock Community Centre. It is staffed entirely by volunteers and their members pay a small fee to attend, so there are limited funds.
They recognise the importance of connection and entertainment can uplift, spirits, bring joy and help overcome feelings of sadness and loneliness which some older people experience.
If you are interested in supporting the group and bringing your musical talents to entertain and delight, please contact Karen Ellington on 07814516436
The club is also open to new members. For those living in Baldock with mobility issues, there is a community bus which can pick up and drop home for a small fee.
Unfortunately they don’t have any qualified carers so they can only host non-dementia or non-independent community members unless a carer can come with them (they would not charge the fee to carers).
They look forward to hearing from anyone interested in joining them either as a member or entertainer.