Communications Support Volunteer

Communications Support Volunteer

Short term role · 2–4 hrs/Week · For around 12 months
Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Social mediaMarketing & CommunicationsAdministration
Older peopleCommunity & familyWellbeing

Contact person

Margaret ReddingAsk Margaret a question
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North Herts 50 Plus
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We are looking for someone to champion our group, to help us spread the word about our opportunities, events and encourage new members.

Detailed description

NH50plus is a multi-cultural group for older people across North Hertfordshire which aims to combat social isolation. We do this by organising monthly forum meetings which are social get-togethers, open to all. We invite a guest speaker to talk about a topic of vital interest to older people. We also arrange low cost events and trips to local places of interest and to attractions further afield too. This service is a lifeline to those who do not usually get the opportunity to get out and about.

In order to keep the group running, it is vitally important that we continue to raise awareness of what we do and attract new members.

Therefore, we need someone who is computer literate and can give some time each week in order to spread the word about us.

The responsibilities of the role include:

  • Developing and maintaining basic social media channels
  • Creating promotional posters
  • Sharing content online
  • Distributing promotional pamphlets to local groups
  • Liaising with the website developer about web content
  • Contributions to our monthly newsletter

In return for your time, we can offer you:

  • A friendly community
  • New connections
  • The feel good factor
  • A chance to learn new skills
  • The opportunity to attend low cost outings with food, transport and entertainment included

If you feel passionately about helping a local organisation that supports elderly people to live well then please get in touch.

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About North Herts 50 Plus

NH50plus is a multi-cultural group and was established in 2009, specifically designed to consult with over 50's living in North Hertfordshire. We aim to share information and to provide a voice for over 50's and to work together to improve communities, services and the future for local residents. We are here for a friendly face for a cup of tea and a chat to help to combat loneliness and social isolation.