Back to School Christmas Bags Creators

Back to School Christmas Bags Creators

Long term role · Flexible hours
United Kingdom
Suitable for under 18's

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Lenka McAlindenAsk Lenka a question
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Just be a Child
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We want to send 1,000 Back to School Christmas Bags to Kenya with our next shipment in July 2023. The bags will be distributed to children living in slums.

Detailed description

We need your help.

If you can sew help us make 1,000 bags from fabric you have access to. The sizes can vary, but as a guide please use 390mm by 420mm bag with two large(ish) handles.

We will also need a large number of books, pens, pencils, colouring in books, sharpeners, erasers and rulers. If you can collect any or all of these items and send them to Dollimore & Christie, FAO: JBAC, Hillcrest, Unit 8, Stevenage Road, Ashbrook, SG4 7JY, we would really appreciate it.

Your bags and the items will end up in the hands of Kenyan children living in some of the poorest communities. There new school year starts in January, hence the Back to School Christmas Bag.

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Just be a Child

We believe that books shouldn't end up in a landfill. We believe that they belong into the hands of children and people who may have never seen one. So we build libraries from shipping containers using books you no longer need. We have started in Kenya, but hoped to build libraries wherever they are needed.