Watford Community Family Funday 2024

Watford Community Family Funday 2024

Community event · 17 Aug 2024, 11:30 - 17:30
WD18 6PZ, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Community & familyFaith-basedWellbeing

Contact person

Patricia BlanksonAsk Patricia a question
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Eternity community CIC
Scan me or visit www.govolherts.org.uk/o/Eternity-community-CIC/opportunities/Watford-Community-Family-Funday-2024/81834 to join


Watford Community Family Funday Is Back this Summer,

Detailed description

Watford Community Family Funday Is 

Back this Summer, Promises to be an Exciting Special Action, Fun Packed Day featuring 

Inflatables, musical entertainment, games, face painting, photo booth, races, multiple ranged stalls, food and drink on sale, and much more. All walks of life are welcome to attend.

Come along and enjoy the fun!

Free Entrance, Free Car park for all


🎪 Exciting Activities for All the Families

🎡 From thrilling Rides, Bouncy Castle, inflatables e.t.c

🍔 Delicious Food and Refreshments from various Stalls 

⚽️ Sporting Activities- Football, Games, Tug of war, Egg/ Sack Races Competition 

🎨 Arts, Crafts and Face painting 

🎵 Live Music, Dance and Entertainment (DJ and Many notable Artistes)

🎁 Raffle, Prizes and Giveaways

Stallholders, Businesses and Organisations are all welcome!

All social media platforms @ watfordCFFunday

Invite friends neighbors and family

Don't miss out on this fantastic community event! 


Getting there

George V Playing Field, Tolpits Lane, Watford WD18 6PZ
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About Eternity community CIC

Eternity Community & KEL Ministries which are charitable organisations based in a Watford.

Eternity Community CIC Initiatives aims to support the local community. The mission is to empower individuals and communities through a comprehensive range of programs and services to create lasting positive change in the lives of individuals and communities.

Our aimed is to empower families, community and support local businesses by organising different programs and activities to bring people together.

Our focus is in engaging Children, Youths, Families and the Communities through Sporting, Conferences, Fun Fairs, Art and Craft events that celebrate and proclaim Love.