"We need you to help keep the helicopters flying!"

Meet Sue Akers who kindly volunteers for the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance.
Please tell us a little more about yourself and your volunteering work?
Before I joined as a volunteer for the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance I organised an annual golf day which, over a period of 7 years, raised £100,000. I was then asked if I would like to join the charity as a volunteer, which I did over 10 years ago. I currently help in one of EHAAT’s charity shops where my main role is to look after the window displays, and with merchandising generally in the shop. It’s a rewarding job raising money for the charity. I also enjoy meeting and chatting with the public making people more aware of the charity’s life-saving work.
What roles are available at the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance?
There are many things that the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance charity needs volunteers to help with, for instance attending promotional events; collecting donations at bucket collections; giving talks within the community or helping deliver Visitor Centres Tours at North Weald and Earls Colne; and helping out in our offices.
Why would you recommend volunteering to others?
My message to anyone wanting to volunteer is, regardless of age, nationality or gender we need you to help keep the helicopters flying!
Jane Morton, Volunteer Manager commented “Sue is a highly valued, well regarded and much appreciated member of our volunteer team, and we would like to thank her for all her help over the years”
To find out more about volunteering with the charity please visit https://www.govolherts.org.uk/o/Essex--Herts-Air-Ambulance